Monday, April 18, 2011


Need I say any more? Finals are here and I'm excited for them to be over, and Brock has graduation on Friday. His dad is flying out for a few days and will be able to see Brock walk at graduation. It will be such an amazing week!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Best New Begining

The best day of my life was hard to wait for, but worth every moment of waiting. March 25, 2011 was the day Brock and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple. That day was the craziest day of my life as well, that morning it was blizzard like in Salt Lake. When we came out of the temple it had stopped snowing but was still very cold. So much for my spring wedding; but it was beautiful to have all of our family and friends there with us. Our family and friends made that day so much warmer and reflected our happiness so much! This day is now and will forever be the best day of my life! And it's only the beginning...